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Women with PCOS: Do you want to shed the excess weight and get into your college jeans?

Imagine if you could lose that extra 5,10, 20 pounds!

Imagine if you regained all your energy & were as active as you were in your early 20s

Imagine if you finally mastered your PCOS so that you could glow like the queen you were meant to be

Imagine if you could do all this .....

  • Without giving up on carbs (Yes, rice is on the menu)
  • Without deprivation from your cultural foods (Yes, curries and clam chowder still on the menu)
  • Without feeling guilty when eating with friends and family (Yes, having a pizza on a girl's night out is still on!)

Lost 30 pounds, clearer skin and more energy in 3 months !

"Have lost 30 pounds, have more energy and less cravings. Acne cleared up and skin has more vibrancy. Now I'm in love with my body and my eczema has also healed. When you are making life changes and in PCOS it really helps to have someone keep you accountable. Working with Aditi gets you to where you want to go faster. "
Aira Solomon, Entrepreneur

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